Sunday, March 27, 2011

If this guy can do it, you can too


  1. Should I feel bad that I immediately kinda laughed out loud when this started? >.>

    ....yeah, I'm going to hell XD

  2. oh ive seen this video before, pretty inspiring i suppose, he seems cool

  3. That guy is a badass. He's right that we should just appreciate what we have.

  4. That guy is BOSS as hell! It's great that he has such humility about himself and doesn't excuse himself from activities that normal people partake in.

  5. humility is rare. thats for sure

  6. I've seen this before. Really inspiring...nice post :)

  7. I love this guy! He is so funny, and even made me tear up

  8. Ye, we can do it!

  9. Three things struck me by the end of this clip:

    1. His story truly is inspiring. We all know that the majority of the students in the audience - or people anywhere - or so preoccupied with their own problems that they don't realise how petty their problems are when compared to something as life-altering as this.

    2. I like the way he walks, he tends to bounce a lot and it makes him look even happier than he is.

    3. This vid reminded me of the South Park episode where a "little person" visits the school to talk to kids about inner strength, etc, and Cartman drove him over the edge with his laughing and mockery... :)

  10. I cried. If he can be happy, why the hell can't I?
